
Lorde Discussion

Lorde emphasizes how her response to racism is anger. Being through a lot Lorde mentions how after having this anger simmer in her and not letting it go publicly the fear of anger did absolutely nothing. She goes on to talk about how not even her but WOMEN in general that are affected by racism are responding to anger. The pain and “anger of exclusion, of unquestioned privilege, of racial distortions, of silence, ill-use, stereotyping, defensiveness, misnaming, betrayal, and co-optation”. This quote symbolizes the pain and unwelcomeness that women feel when they are hit with racial slurs. Lorde included a bulleted list in her writing that showed all of the incidents that she went through. It is almost to show that this didn’t happen 1,2, or 3 times Lorde has been hit and hit time and time again based on her skin tone countless of times like a bullet list that won’t end. The bulleted list doesn’t only show the amount of situations she has dealt with but it also concisely explains what happened and almost fuels the fire that Lorde and women who go through this have felt. I am persuaded by Lorde’s argument because it is only so much that a black, lesbian, mother, can take. If it was against a man and a man freaked out and let out their anger nothing would be seen as wrong because he is a man it is expected for him to act out. But women are put on this pedestal that we must act a certain way we can’t showcase our emotions in public, we can’t be independent without the help of a man, we can’t have a successful family without the help of a man. However, Lorde is showing the world that this is not true that she is a black, lesbian, mother who bottles up her anger, but after a while the fear of her anger does nothing it needs to be let out and heard we can’t continue to constrict ourselves to certain social constricts.

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